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América do Sul Peru
Descricao Estados 27 Sociedades 6 Museus 1 Linguas Pdr. Monetarios C da Moeda 1 B Central 1 Embaixada

Descrição Cédula
The Republic of Perú, located on the Pacific coast of South America, has an area of 496,222 sq. mi. (1,285,216 sq. km.) and a popolation of 25.66million. Capital: Lima. The diversified economy includes mining, fishing and agriculture. Fish meal, copper, sugar, zinc and iron ore are exported. Ancient Peru was the seat of several prominent Andean civilizations, most notably that of the Incas whose empire was captured by the Spanish conquistadors in 1533. Peruvian Independence was declared in 1821, and remaining Spanish forces defeated in 1824. After a dozen years of military rule, Peru returned to democratic leadership in 1980, but experienced economic problems and the growth of a violent insurgency. President Alberto Fujimori’s election in 1990 ushered in a decade that saw a dramatic tumaround in the economy and significant progress in curtaing guerrilla activity. Nevertheless, the president’s increasing reliance on authoritarian measures and an economic slump in the late 1990s generated mounting dissatisfaction with his regime, which led to his ouster in 2000. A caretaker government oversaw new elections in the spring of 2001, which ushered in Alejandro Toledo Manrique as the new head government - Peru's first democratically elected president of Native American ethnicity. The presidential election of 2006 saw the return of return of Alan Garcia Perez who, after a disappointing presidential term from 1985 to 1990, returned to the presidency with promises to improve social conditions and maintain fiscal responsibiity MONETARY SYSTEM: 1 Sol = 1 Sol de Oro = 100 Centavos, 1879-1985 1 Libra = 10 Soles 1 Inti = 1000 Soles de Oro, 1986-1991 1 Nuevo Sol = 100 Centimes = 1 Million Intis, 1991- 1 Sol = 100 Centavos (10 Dineros)
Descrição Moeda
The Republic of Peru, located on the Pacific coast of South America, has an area of 496,225 sq. mi. (1,285,220sq. km.) and a population of *21.4 million. Capital: Lima. The diversified economy includes mining, fishing and agriculture. Fishmeal, copper, sugar, zinc and iron ore are exported. MINT MARKS L, LIMAE (monogram), Lima(monogram), LIMA = Lima REPUBLIC REFORM COINAGE 1991; 1/M Intis = 1 Nuevo Sol; 100 (New) Centimos = 1 Nuevo Sol = 1 Sol


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