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América Central Ilhas Caimão
Descricao Linguas Pdr. Monetarios C da Moeda 1 B Central 1

Descrição Cédula
The Cayman Islands, a British Crown Colony situated about 290 km. northwest of Jamaica, consists of three islands: Grand Cayman, Little Cayman and Cayman Brac. The islands have an area of 262 sq. km. and a population of 47,900. Capital: Goorgetown. Seafaring, commerce, banking and tourism are the principal industries. The Cayman Islands were colonized from Jamaica by the British during the 18th and 19th centuries, and were administered by Jamaica after 1863. In 1959, the island became a territory within the Federation of the West Indies, but whrn the Federation dissolved in 1962, the Cayman Islands chose to remain a British dependency. RULERS: British MONETARY SYSTEM: 1 Dollar = 100 Cents
Descrição Moeda
The Cayman Islands are a British Crown Colony situated about 180 miles (280 km) northwest of Jamaica. It consists of three islands: Grand Cayman, Little Cayman, and Cayman Brac. The islands have an area of 102 sq. mi. (259 sq. km.) and a population of 33,200. Capital: George Town. Seafaring, commerce, banking, and tourism are the principal industries. Rope, turtle shells, and sharkskins are exported. RULER British MINT MARKSCHI - Valcambi MONETARY SYSTEM 100 Cents = 1 Dollar


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