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Europa República da Irlanda
Descricao Sociedades 2 Linguas Pdr. Monetarios C da Moeda 2 B Central 1 Embaixada

Descrição Cédula
The Republic of Ireland, occupyng five-sixthis of the island of Ireland located in the Atlantic Ocean west of Great Britain, has an area of 70,280 sq. km. and a population of 4.16 million. Capital: Dublin.Celtic tribes arrived on the island between 600-150 B.C. Invasions by Norsemen that began in the late 8th century were finally ended when King Brian Boru defeated the Danes in 1014. English invasions began in the 12th century and set off more than seven centuries of Anglo-Irish struggle marked by fierce rebellions and harsh repressions. A failed 1916 Easter Monday Rebellion touched off several years of guerrilla warfare that in 1921 resulted in independence from the UK for 26 southern counties; six northern (Ulster) counties remained part of the UK. In 1949, Ireland withdrew from the British Commonwealth; it joined the European Community in 1973. Additional information on bank notes of Northern Ireland can be found in Paper Money of Ireland by Bob Blake and Jonathan Callaway, published by Pam West. RULERS: British to 1921 MONETARY SYSTEM: 1 Shilling = 12 Pence 1 Pound = 20 Shillings to 1971 1 Pound = 100 Pence, 1971-2001 1 Euro = 100 Cent, 2002-
Descrição Moeda
Ireland, which occupies five-sixths of the island of Ireland located in the Atlantic Ocean west of Great Britain, has an area of 27,136 sq. mi. (70,280 sq. km.) and a population of 4.3 million. Capital: Dublin. Agriculture and dairy farming are the principal industries. Meat, livestock, dairy products and textiles are exported.


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