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Europa Albania
Descricao Estados 38 Linguas Pdr. Monetarios B Central 1 Embaixada

Descrição Cédula
The Republic of Albania, a balkan republic bounded by the Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece and the Adriatic Sea, has an area of 11,100 sq. mi. (28,748 sq. km.) and a population of 3.5 million. Capital: Tirana. The country is mostly agricultural, although recent progress has been made in manufacturing and mining sectors. Petroleum, chrome, iron, copper, cotton textiles, tobacco and wood products are exported. Since it had been part of the Greek and Roman Empires, little is known of the eary history of Albania. After Roman rule it was overrun by Goths, Brzantines, Venetians and Turks. Skanderbeg, the national hero, resisted the Turks and established an independent Albania in 1443. In 1468 the country again fell to the Turks and remained part of the Otto-man Empire for the next 400 years. Independence was re-established by revolt in 1912, and the present borders established in 1913 by a conference of European powers which, in 1914, placed Prince William of Wied on the throne - popular discontent forced his abdication within months. In 1920, following World War I and occupancy by several nations, a republic was set up. Ahmet Zogu seized the presidency in 1925, and in 1928, proclaimed him self king with the title Zog I. At the start of World War II, when Albania was invaded by Italy, Zg Fled, Victor Emanuel of Italy ruled for a time. Upon the surrender of Italy to the Allies in 1943, German troops occupied the country. They withdrew in 1944, and communist partisans seized power, naming Gen. Enver Hoxha provisional president. In 1946, following a vicotry by the communist front in 1945 elections, a new constitution modeled on that of the Soviet Union was adpted. In accoedance with the 1976 contitiotion the official name of the county was changes from the Peoples Republic of Albania to the Peoples Socialist Republic of Albania. A general strike by trade unions in 1991 forced the communist government to resign. A new government was elected in march. In 1997 Albania had a major financial crisis which caused civil disturbances and the fall of the administration. MONETARY SYSTEM: 1 “heavy” Lek = 10 old Lekë, 1965- 1 Lek Valutë = 50 Lekë, 1992-1993
Descrição Moeda
A República da Albânia, uma república dos Balcãs limitada por Macedônia, Grécia, Montenegro e Mar Adriático têm um área de 11.100 sq. mi. (28.748 km2) e uma população de 3,49 milhão. Capital: Tirane. O país é predominantemente agrícola, embora um progresso recente tenha sido feito na fabricação e mineração. Petróleo, cromo, ferro, cobre, algodão têxteis, tabaco e produtos de madeira são exportados. REPÚBLICA COINAGEM PADRÃO KM # 75 LEK


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