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Paises extintos ou nomes trocados Tristão da Cunha
Descricao Linguas Pdr. Monetarios

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Descrição Moeda
Tristan da Cunha is the principal island and group name of a small cluster of volcanic islands located in the South Atlantic midway between the Cape of Good Hope and South America, and 1,500 miles (2,414 km.) south-southwest of the British colony of St. Helena.The other islands are inaccessible, Gough, and the three Nightingale Islands.The group, which comprises a dependency of St. Helena, has a total area of 40 sq. mi. (104 sq. km.) and a population of less than 300. There is a village of 60 houses called Edinburgh. Potatoes are the staple subsistence crop. MONETARY SYSTEM 100 Pence = 1 Pound


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